Real Money Android Poker Apps

To enjoy real money poker on Android tablet computers and mobile phones, players need to download the proper application from their favorite online poker room. Separate mobile gaming casinos tend to exist for casino gamblers, but mobile card rooms are few and far between. Instead, the brand name poker sites design apps to help users of iOS, Android phones, and Blackberries interface with their standard poker games. In my experience, the iPad apps come out first, followed by the Android poker apps a few months later. That's because the Android designers tend to see the fixes on the iOS and design from there. These days, roughly half of the best poker rooms online offer Android apps for real money poker, while the other half are working feverishly to get their products on the market.
Android Poker for Real Money App
Most Android apps are written using Java script. These third party apps increase basic functionality and provide a better user experience, often referred to as "UX" in the industry. Android has a 59% market share of all smartphones, so these third party designers are likely to continue writing mainly for the Android OS. This means users of Droid phones and tablets should have more gaming options than anyone, even the iPad users.
Are There Any Real Money Android Poker Apps for US Players?
Like the iPad, there are plenty of real money poker apps on the market for European and Canadian players. Unfortunately, none exist for Americans. Hard to believe – but true! The US market is an entirely different type of beast. The only Android gambling apps out there for US players are for betting sites and online casinos. If you want to play for real money on your Android, we highly recommend BetOnline, a real money betting site, or Slotland Casino. Both sites work well on the Android smartphone or tablets and both accept real money US players.
Playing Poker on Android Phones
Android OS was developed by Google, the Open Handset Alliance, and the Android Open Source Project. Android has been called the Wal-Mart of mobile phones, a backhand compliment which refers to its lower price than iOS and its greater availability to the gaming public. The Android operating system is open source and uses a Linux kernel. Third parties can design applications for the Android mobile device, and Droid apps can be found in many places. Android's operating system has constant updates. Between 2009 and 2012, the following upgrades to the operating system have been made. I include the codename for each, so new Android users have a handy referral guide.
Android OS 4.1 - Jelly Bean
Android OS 4.0 - Ice Cream Sandwich
Android OS 3.x - Honeycomb
Android OS 2.3 - Gingerbread
Android OS 2.2 - Froyo
Android OS 2.0/2.1 - Eclair
Android OS 1.6 - Donut
Android OS 1.5 - Cupcake
How to Play Poker for Real Money on Android
The leading Android OS gambling and poker app right now is probably the Poker Pro application from BWIN. When you go on BWIN, look for terms like "Androidsports", "Androidpoker", and "Androidcasino". Also, you can go to the iPhone App Store and find the applications under "". MFortune, Switch Poker, and Terminal Poker all have their own Android poker for real money apps these days.
More Free Android Apps
If you're searching for free Android poker apps, try names like "Zynga Poker", "Live Holdem Poker Pro", VIP Poker, "Texas HoldEM Poker Deluxe", Appeak Poker, and "Poker KinG Pro-Texas Holdem".
Gamble on Android - Future Releases
Mobile poker is an emerging market, so always keep your eye out for the latest releases. Buzz in the poker world is the next poker giants to release apps will be Expekt UK, William Hill, and Paddy Poker. Unibet and Ladbrokes have Adobe Flash apps already, while an 888 Android poker app is thought to be in testing. It won't be long before Android mobiles work with all of the biggest UK and European poker sites. American Android OS users may have to wait longer, because the UIGEA law has led to so many poker rooms to get out of real money gambling for US players.
Android Gambling Poker Tablet
Any poker apps which runs for Android phones are also going to work for Android tablet computers, too. If you buy the latest Gemei G6 Android 4.0 tablet, a Gpad F35 Andoid 4.0.4 tablet, a Win8 tablet, or a FreeLander PD20 Smart Android 4.0 dual core tablet, any of these devices are compatible with an Android gambling or poker app. Android gambling and mobile poker applications are designed to give you the full range of gaming enjoyment, with Android tablets and Android phones.